August 27, 2010

Month Five - It's a BOY!!!!


Twenty Weeks Status:
Weight: 152.6 lbs.
Estimated Baby Size: Banana(13 oz. - 7 in.)

Well, as it should be obvious from the title of this post, this week we discovered that Lord Chitty is indeed a Lord and not a Lady. I can't say that anyone was really surprised, as he will be the fifth boy born to a Schwartz of this generation, in which no girls have yet been produced. There are also no girls born yet to this generation of Harpers. However, on September 9th Josh and Shelly will find out of things will stay that way. Any bets??? Regardless, we are happy that Sebastian will have a little brother to play with (and also that we will not have to have a baby shower or buy hundreds of items in all manner of pinks and purples known to mankind). Don't get me wrong, I would love to have a little girl someday, there is something to be said for ribbons, bows, lace, and the occasional beheaded Barbie doll...but we really were wanting Sebastian to have a brother close to his age. Alongside the announcement of Merlin's gender, was the reassurance that he is more than healthy and almost too quick and uncooperative for the ultrasound technicians...I was secretly rooting for him to give them a hard time. Is that wrong? Hehehe...

Well the fifth month has been exciting to say the least. We spent about a week and a half of it vacationing with my family in North Carolina. My brother and sister-in-law needed some emergency babysitting, which jump started my portion of the vacation. It was exciting packing Sebastian and myself up for a week and a half in a night's notice. Insane! Yet, 'twas fun for some reason. And alas, my master list-making skills paid off in the end. After a few days at my brother's house babysitting Cash and Sebastian, Andy joined us and we headed for the mountains to stay with my folks for a week. It just happened to be my birthday, so we reignited our awesome birthday tradition of making the best hideous-creation-that-almost-can't-be-called-a-cake and had a little celebration of frozen pizzas and video gaming. By the end of the week, I had almost eaten an entire lemon behemoth cake sans help, and Andy and I were completely addicted to Wii Mario Kart. Sebastian on the other hand will be missing the rocking horse my folks bought. Especially the song it plays, which we now sing to him while filling the roll of the rocking horse by letting him "ride" us. In any case, Andy and I weren't missing the Wii for long, as Andy surprise gifted us one (complete with Mario Kart) while he was supposed to be out picking up groceries a day or two after we returned from vacation. Fun! I hope I do my homework at least some of the time this semester.

Well, that's about all. I will post pics as usual and hopefully will be back to recap month six ( going to school pregnant starting Monday...oh joy).

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