Thirty-One Weeks Status:
Weight: 167.1 lbs.
Estimated Baby Size: Four Navel Oranges (>3.3 lb. & >13in.)
Forgive me blog-readers, for I have sinned. It has been seven weeks since my last post...
Things have been a little too hectic with writing lengthy term papers for me to keep up with posting every four weeks. I should have suspected as much. To make matters more complicated, starting yesterday I've been feeling quite ill. Apparently the third trimester can bring back a lot of the yucky first trimester symptoms, although this wasn't the case for my first pregnancy. I have been extremely fatigued and nauseous, among other symptoms. Sleeping at night has also been difficult, as Izaak is apparently not interested in sleeping for a better part of the day and all through the night. Either that or he just moves a lot in his sleep. I'm hoping for the latter, as I am afraid his patterns in utero might be reflected in his sleeping habits post-partum. And, Hunger pangs, and restless leg woes to boot. So....whine, whine, whine...I am physically miserable, but I thank the Lord that I can in fact feel my baby happily moving about, and I can only repeat the wise words of mother to myself, "This too shall pass." Here's hoping these symptoms are more flu related and they pass tomorrow!
Other than that, Andy and I have been very busy with schoolwork. In order to get things done we've been taking turns taking Sebastian on little one-day adventures, so whoever is writing the term paper of the week, can work in peace. It's been working pretty well so far. I only have one more to finish up this weekend before I'm in the clear for term papers the rest of the semester. Well, until next time...hopefully I'll be feeling a little more chipper then.
Sebastian's First Birthday Photos