April 18, 2009

Week 15


End of Week 15 Status:
Weight: 144.2 lbs.
Estimated Baby Size: Avocado

Well we are now at 16 weeks, 40 percent of the way through the pregnancy. This week was pretty unevenful...so I don't think I'll be writing a great deal. I have been trying to feel the baby moving all week, though the chances of me feeling him/her this early aren't very great. Most books and Websites say that the earliest you can feel the baby is around 16 weeks, but it could be as late as 20 weeks before you feel something. Maybe by next week, I'll have something to report on movement.

School is winding down, and this coming week is our last full week of classes...thank goodness! I and Gorthar both need a break from the stress of schoolwork for a little while. I am only planning on taking four classes over the summer, and all but one of them start around June. So, May will be a breather.

My mom and my sister Rachel made final plans this week to come visit me for Memorial Day. I am excited, since Andy will have just left for his summer OCS fun at Quantico. :( It will be nice to have them here, and we plan on working on the new house for some of the time. We close next Friday! So exciting!

Speaking of closing, I'm going to do some packing...we've a lot left to do, and I've nothing more to write about.

Oh yea, and one more thing....the Indians beat the Yankees 10-2 on Thursday, and it's likely Gorthar experienced his first Tribe-related sounds this week; they were happy ones! Just so his expectations were not falsely set, they lost by one run last night. However, Gorthar will be getting much more exposure to the sounds of baseball over the coming summer, maybe the Tribe will have a good season.
