April 10, 2009

Week 14


End of Week 14 Status:
Weight: 143.4 lbs.
Estimated Baby Size: Apple

Moving on to 15 weeks, and each passing day I feel better and better. The 2nd trimester really is sooooo much nicer. Not only has my mood brightened, but my energy levels are climbing again. Despite a little bit of pregnancy rhinitis (stuffy nose cause from hormone changes) and increasing difficulty with abdominal space to bend over or sit up, I feel quite normal. I find it hard to think about anything but the baby, so I am giddy all the time. This is a pleasant change from the feelings of dread for going to school and road rage I was experiencing during the first trimester.

Andy and I revisited the enormous baby names list we started compiling when we first discovered I was pregnant. We have narrowed it down some, but I have a feeling we will continue to add and subtract to it for quite a while before we make a resolute decision. Here is our list as it stands now. I highlighted my personal favorites in yellow, and my "if I had to pick right now" names in green. Andy is still sleeping, but I will try to get him to highlight his at some point. We are open to suggestions of any kind...and if you see one you hate or love for any reason, feel free to let us know.

In other news, our next ultrasound is scheduled for May 18th, which is when we hope to find out the sex of the baby. Also, our efforts in real estate have paid off, and we expect to close on April 24th on our new house. Yay! So many blessings!

Well, I better go; I'm going to be late for school. See you all next week!