April 27, 2009

Week 16


End of Week 16 Status:
Weight: 146 lbs.
Estimated Baby Size: Turnip

Well, we've been at 17 weeks for going on 5 days now, but I was late to get started writing this week, and then Andy surprised me with a getaway to visit Josh and Shelly (my brother and sister-in-law) in Rochester, NY. We are just getting home, so I'm gonna get to bed and pick this up after my exam tomorrow morning. It was an exciting trip!

Phew! Glad that's over...only two more finals left 'til I get a few weeks off. So, back to the trip--on Friday night Andy said he wanted to drive the next morning to catch the Indians game in Cleveland. I, at first, wasn't too excited about the idea because I had just asked my brother earlier in the day if he would be going to any of this series' games (the Indians were playing his team the Minnesota Twins). He said he wouldn't, and when he asked if I was I had said "no, not if you aren't"...so, when Andy said we were, I felt kind of bad. A few minutes later, Andy went out to retrieve my much-craved spinach, olive and pepperoni pizza from Sal's (SOOO GOOD), and I received a call from my brother.

Josh started the conversation off with "I get to go somewhere you don't tomorrow" in a childish taunt. Well he, of course, was talking about the game in Cleveland, and so I finally got motivated about the trip. I don't get to see my brother and Shelly enough, so despite the tons of homework and studying I had to do, I agreed to the trip. It gets more exciting, though. About halfway through the trip, I started asking too many directional questions, I guess, because Andy was forced to come clean with their whole plan. He and Josh had tricked me into thinking we were going to a game, when actually we were going to spend the next few days at Josh and Shelly's in Rochester! It was pretty funny, and I was happy, because spending money on tickets, a hotel, and being pregnant really dampened the thrill of going to the game in Cleveland.

The last big surprise? When we got there, we found out that just that day, Shelly found out she was pregnant!!!!!!!! Hahaha! So crazy! I'm so excited that Gorthar will have a cousin three months his younger to play with. So many life changing events in this family this year, and so many blessings. Andy and I are moving, my parents are moving, Shelly and I are having babies, and now they might be moving to NC too! Excitement, excitement, excitement.

As far as Gorthar is concerned, there's nothing new to report. Things are about the same as last week, except I am just starting to show (with my clothes on, ha) and he/she seems to be growing more rapidly. Well, I'm STARVING so I'm gonna go.

Au Revoir!

April 18, 2009

Week 15


End of Week 15 Status:
Weight: 144.2 lbs.
Estimated Baby Size: Avocado

Well we are now at 16 weeks, 40 percent of the way through the pregnancy. This week was pretty unevenful...so I don't think I'll be writing a great deal. I have been trying to feel the baby moving all week, though the chances of me feeling him/her this early aren't very great. Most books and Websites say that the earliest you can feel the baby is around 16 weeks, but it could be as late as 20 weeks before you feel something. Maybe by next week, I'll have something to report on movement.

School is winding down, and this coming week is our last full week of classes...thank goodness! I and Gorthar both need a break from the stress of schoolwork for a little while. I am only planning on taking four classes over the summer, and all but one of them start around June. So, May will be a breather.

My mom and my sister Rachel made final plans this week to come visit me for Memorial Day. I am excited, since Andy will have just left for his summer OCS fun at Quantico. :( It will be nice to have them here, and we plan on working on the new house for some of the time. We close next Friday! So exciting!

Speaking of closing, I'm going to do some packing...we've a lot left to do, and I've nothing more to write about.

Oh yea, and one more thing....the Indians beat the Yankees 10-2 on Thursday, and it's likely Gorthar experienced his first Tribe-related sounds this week; they were happy ones! Just so his expectations were not falsely set, they lost by one run last night. However, Gorthar will be getting much more exposure to the sounds of baseball over the coming summer, maybe the Tribe will have a good season.


April 10, 2009

Week 14


End of Week 14 Status:
Weight: 143.4 lbs.
Estimated Baby Size: Apple

Moving on to 15 weeks, and each passing day I feel better and better. The 2nd trimester really is sooooo much nicer. Not only has my mood brightened, but my energy levels are climbing again. Despite a little bit of pregnancy rhinitis (stuffy nose cause from hormone changes) and increasing difficulty with abdominal space to bend over or sit up, I feel quite normal. I find it hard to think about anything but the baby, so I am giddy all the time. This is a pleasant change from the feelings of dread for going to school and road rage I was experiencing during the first trimester.

Andy and I revisited the enormous baby names list we started compiling when we first discovered I was pregnant. We have narrowed it down some, but I have a feeling we will continue to add and subtract to it for quite a while before we make a resolute decision. Here is our list as it stands now. I highlighted my personal favorites in yellow, and my "if I had to pick right now" names in green. Andy is still sleeping, but I will try to get him to highlight his at some point. We are open to suggestions of any kind...and if you see one you hate or love for any reason, feel free to let us know.

In other news, our next ultrasound is scheduled for May 18th, which is when we hope to find out the sex of the baby. Also, our efforts in real estate have paid off, and we expect to close on April 24th on our new house. Yay! So many blessings!

Well, I better go; I'm going to be late for school. See you all next week!

April 2, 2009

Week 13


End of Week 13 Status:
Weight: 143.6 lbs.
Estimated Baby Size: Lemon

Well it was Baby Schwartz's first ultrasound this week, and we were blown away by the experience. I had no idea how much joy hearing our little baby's heartbeat would bring me. It was just sooo cute! Like a little rabbit. When the nurse first did the sound ultrasound...not sure what this is called...she said she thought she could hear two heartbeats. We both heard it too, and were a little shocked. We started getting excited at the thought of having two babies for the price of one pregnancy, but as it turns out, Gorthar or Baby Schwartz I sometimes call him/her now that i've seen his/her gorgeous face, was just playing a little April Fool's joke on us. I don't blame him/her since his/her Grandma Harper just tried to play the same joke on Grandpa Harper yesterday. I guess he/she showed us how it's really done, ha!

The visual ultrasound was just as remarkable as the audio version, as we could see the baby rolling over, stretching, moving its arms, and we could see its little heart beating away. Ahhh, what a relief to see it being a healthy little baby. Our next appointment will be in the first few weeks of May sometime. We should be able to find out the baby's sex at that time. I think that while everyone agrees they are contented to see a healthy baby, Grandma Harper is pulling for a girl, and Andy for a boy. I can't make up my mind at all. I used to think I only wanted boys, but I can see being just as excited if she is a girl. I just know it will be nice to have a specific pronoun I can use. :)

Well, I think I'll have some peppermint tea, and watch something. I could use some relaxation after all this excitement today.

See you next week!